The “Mandela Effect” can be described as a phenomenon where a large group of people tend to have memories of a thing that actually did not happen. The name “Mandela Effect” was derived from the 2013 incident when the iconic nelson Mandela died and many people acclaimed to remember Nelson Mandela dying in prison during the ‘80s, when in fact, he lived for decades afterwards.
The Mandela effect has seen different theories in an effort to determine the reason for its existence. Many believe that it is caused by time travel while other think it is as a result of the shifting of parallel universe (that we probably once lived in a slightly different universe and we still remember the way things was then but the present reality is different. Psychologists claim that the Mandela Effect is as a result of confabulation (memory defects). The disturbing fact is that, how could a large number of different people from different places have the same sort of false memories. No matter what the fact is, the Mandela effect will surely leave you puzzled.
There are a great number of Mandela effect that people happens to have. We will be taking a look at quite a number of them.
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List of 40 Mandela Effect Examples
- Berenstain bears Mandela effect
- We are the champions Mandela effect
- Luke I am your father Mandela effect
- The Mandela effect of the monopoly man’s monocle Mandela effect
- Mirror Mirror on the wall Mandela effect
- “Am a Barbie girl” Mandela effect
- “The Oscar Meyer’’ Mandela effect
- The White out Mandela effect
- Picnic at hanging rock Mandela effect
- Pokemon’s Pikachu Mandela effect
- Curious George Mandela effect
- 1Jiffy Peanut Butter Does Not Exist Mandela effect
- Rubix or Rubiks Cube? Mandela effect
- The Canonization of mother Teresa Mandela effect
- Sex and the city Mandela effect
- Coca Cola Mandela Effect
- The kit-kat Mandela effect
- Mickey mouse Mandela effect
- Hannibal Lecter Mandela effect
- The picture of Dorian gray Mandela effect
- Febreze Mandela Effect
- Forest Gump Mandela effect
- Field of dreams Mandela effect
- Looney Tunes Mandela effect
- Chick-fil-A Mandela effect
- Explosion of Space Shuttle Challenger Mandela effect
- Krispy Kreme Mandela effect
- Dolly & Jaws (Moonraker) Mandela effect
- Sketchers / Skechers Mandela effect
- Interview With The Vampire Mandela effect
- Will Smith Mandela effect
- That Portrait of King Henry VIII Eating A Turkey Leg Mandela effect
- C-3PO Was Never All Gold Mandela effect
1. Berenstain bears Mandela effect
If you go back to memory lane, you will remember that this was a very popular children’s book as well as a TV show series, the nice bear family that lied in the woods. If you remember their last name, then I guess you thought it was correctly spelt above.
You think it is spelt Berenstein? Well, you are wrong. Surprised isn’t it? The truth is that their last name is BERENSTAIN. If you are still in doubt, you can look up the book cover; it has always been Berenstain on this universe. This example of the Mandela effect has been the most common and has the most proof as some people have actually been able to revealed images to show the difference of the variance in its spelling. Such a surprise isn’t it?
2. We are the champions Mandela effect
Many of us don’t actually know how this legendary song “We Are the Champions” ends. This song by Queen doesn’t actually end the way many of us think it did and is an example of the Mandela effect. For those of you who know the song will recall the end of the song being ‘No time for losers, ‘cause we are the champions – – – Of the world!’ it might come as a surprise to you that ‘of the world’ was nowhere in the song. The song simply ends at “ no time for losers, cause we are the champions” this might probably get you giggling to know you have been singing what is not all along.
3. Luke I am your father Mandela effect
Many of us love the movie “star wars”. If you are a lover of star wars, then you might probably be aware of the famous line in the movie. The phrase “Luke, I am your father” is seen and everywhere. However, if you are to watch star wars now, you will be surprised to realize that the phrase thought by many to be Luke, I am your father is actually “No, I am your father.” This is definitely one astonishing case for you to come to think that at a particular point in this whether in this universe or another, the same line was “Luke, I am your father.”
4. The Mandela effect of the monopoly man’s monocle Mandela effect
Some of us might know the famous character known as Rich Uncle Pennybags, also known to many as Mr. Monopoly or Monopoly Man. Many carry the idea or image that it is illustrated with a monocle, the truth is that it has never been illustrated with a monocle. This Mandela effect is sure to leave many of us lost in our thought.
5. Mirror Mirror on the wall Mandela effect
The popular animated classic known as snow white was popularly remembered for the evil queen mirror scene. If you ask many people what the evil queen said, they are likely to reply saying “mirror mirror on the wall” but what she actually said was “magic mirror on the wall”. You can read more about Mirror Mirror on the wall here.
6. “Am a Barbie girl” Mandela effect
The older ones amongst us will most likely be familiar with this middle school dance song by Aqua titled “Barbie Girl,” the song started off with the line “I’m a Barbie girl, in…”
If you are familiar with the song you might have completed the line by saying “in a Barbie world,” hearing the song back then, you feel most certain that it is “in a Barbie world,” but in this reality, the line is “I’m a Barbie girl, in the Barbie World.” This leaves you to wonder if you have actually heard the song wrongly or it something unexplainable.
7. “The Oscar Meyer’’ Mandela effect
The Oscar Mayer brand of hot dogs and lunch meats is spelt in a different way from what many of you think. The name is not spelt as Oscar Meyer; it is actually spelt as Oscar Mayer. Many still recall the jingle from the commercials as “My bologna has a first name, it’s O-S-C-A-R/ my bologna has a second name, its M-E-Y-E-R. If you see the name on its product, you will be surprised to see that it is spelt as OSCAR MAYER.
8. The White out Mandela effect
The fact that white is spelled as such, it will be quite unrealistic for someone to have thought that the smelly magic substance used to rid mistakes made by pen in schools is not actually called ‘White-Out’, but is called ‘Wite-Out’. This is almost impossible to imagine that you have always got it all wrong all this while. if you must know, that is the Mandela effect at work!
9. Picnic at hanging rock Mandela effect
This is another example of the Mandela effect I have discovered. Picnic at the hanging rock is an eerie film from 1975, set in 1990 about three school girls who disappeared on a school trip to a rocky hill area called hanging rock. When this movie is discussed, people keep saying that when they watch the movie now, they felt disappointed that the extremely creepy scene of a teacher walking strangely down the hill was cut out. Some even went on to claim that it was the creepiest seen they have ever seen in a movie. The actual fact is that this scene never actually existed.
10. Pokemon’s Pikachu Mandela effect
A large number of us would recall that the tip of Pikachu from Pokemon tail is black. If you happen to take a close look at its picture once again, you will realize that there is no such thing as black on its tail. It is quite a surprise that so many people including those who love to play the pokemon would have imagined it having this sort of image. It might probably be a look created from a cross between an axe and a lightning bolt. This can be referred to as the Mandela effect. This image had for a long time played some trick on the brain of many.
11. Curious George Mandela effect
It is somewhat surprising to know that many people that say that they recall seeing Curious George use his tail to swing from trees. Really! Because the monkey Curious George actually had no tail. If you go and lookup a picture of him right about now, you will realize that he has no tail. It is the Mandela effect at work. Why did this actually happen? My guess is that the fact that it is a monkey and monkeys have tails, this resulted in you created a picture of him having a tail in your mind.
12. Jiffy Peanut Butter Does Not Exist Mandela effect
As against what you thought you were eating back in the days, it wasn’t the jiffy peanut butter you were eating. There is no such thing as Jiffy Peanut Butter. What you probably ate was Jif Peanut Butter! The thought of you eating jiffy brand of peanut butter might be as a result of the advertisement telling mothers that they could make snack for their children in a jiffy. This Mandela effect should not come as much of a surprise to you, it is very common amongst many.
13. Rubix or Rubiks Cube? Mandela effect
This is arguably one of the top selling toys of all time. Many know it as the Rubix cube, but the fact is that is not called a Rubix cube. This famous toy is actually called a Rubik’s cube. It is named after its inventor’s last name known as Rubik. And therefore, it’s called the Rubik’s Cube. There is no such thing at the Rubix Cube. The fact that many people find themselves pronouncing this toy wrongly can be described as the Mandela effect.
14. The Canonization of mother Teresa Mandela effect
The famous missionary and Roman Catholic nun was one of the most influential people of the previous decades. 19 years after her death, on 4th of September 2016, Mother Teresa was canonized. Nonetheless, there are people who claim to recall her being canonized during the 1990s’ before her death. Other even went on to say that it was Pope John Paul II who approved of the canonization. Weird isn’t it? That’s the Mandela effect for you.
15. Sex and the city Mandela effect
This iconic romantic comedy television series that was produced by HBO was very popular amongst many and was called Sex and the City. Although quite a huge number of people claim to have remembered it to be “Sex in the City” at some point.
16. Coca Cola Mandela Effect
I am most certain that many will get this wrong. Most people think there is a dash between the words. If you think so too, you are wrong. Some might think they have seen it as Coca-Cola as some point in their life, but it is actually CocaCola.
17. The kit-kat Mandela effect
Quite a lot of people seem to remember there being a dash in Kit Kat, which makes it “Kit-Kat,” but there is actually no dash in it. Many are even very certain about the fact that the dash had been there at some point in time. This is the Mandela effect at work. This can be a somewhat annoying to realize that what you were sure existed actually did not. You can read more about the Kit Kat Mandela effect here.
18. Mickey mouse Mandela effect
Anyone remember Mickey Mouse having suspenders? I am absolutely sure many of us have such memories. The surprise is that he doesn’t have the suspenders; he never had them all along! I searched through the internet to be sure, but to my greatest surprise, there was not a single picture of Mickey Mouse on the Internet wearing suspenders, not even in any single episode. How come they all just vanished? Could it be the Mandela effect? How come there are two big buttons on his pants? What are they for if not for suspenders? Well, this is very shocking.
19. Hannibal Lecter Mandela effect
Have you seen the film “The Silence of the Lambs”, then you must be familiar with the famous line in the film that said “Hello, Clarice.” The big surprise is, it never happened. What Hannibal Lecter simply said to Clarice was, “Good morning.” That’s it. How is it that a film’s well known line happens to be nonexistent? Nobody knows, and it’s driving a lot of people nuts
20. The picture of Dorian gray Mandela effect
This is a classic book by Oscar Wilde is well known amongst many as they have to study this book in high school or for some that have seen the old black and white movie. However, a lot of people have come to say that they were absolutely sure that the title of the book was “The Portrait of Dorian Gray”, some of these being ardent fans of Oscar Wilde fans who find it hard to believe that the name had changed as the word PORTRIAT is now being replaced with PICTURE.
21. Febreze Mandela Effect
This is one major Mandela effect that has got a lot of people talking. Many still believe they remember the name as Febreeze. Contrary to what they think, it had always been spelt as “Febreze”
22. Forest Gump Mandela effect
Many of us must have seen the 1994 movie titled “Forest Gump”. This movie had a famous line which says “Mama always said life IS like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.” Well if you watch the movie now the movie now, what it says is “My mama always said life WAS like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.” The book Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami, first published in Japanese in 1987, and in English in 1989, has the following: “Just remember, life is like a box of chocolates.” Pretty much confusing how many of us got the line all wrong. Call it the Mandela effect. You can read more about LIFE IS LIKE A BOX OF CHOCOLATES here.
23. Field of dreams Mandela effect
Field of dreams was a popular movie with the famous character Kevin Costner. If you question many today about what Kevin Costner’s character said in the movie, they are likely to tell you he said “Build it and they will come”, but if you watch the movie or clips now, what he said was “Build it and he will come”.
24. Looney Tunes Mandela effect 
Do you remember the Looney Toons? I bet most of us do. Many will swear that it was always spelled “toons,” clearly looking at the logo now, you will be left in utter disbelieve to see that the animated series is and has always been called Looney Tunes. Surprised! Aren’t you? You can read more about LOONEY TUNES OR LOONEY TOONS here.
25. Chick-fil-A Mandela effect
There are a lot of people who still agree to the fact that this popular fast-food chicken restaurant was being known as Chic-fil-A. Some even thinks it used to be Chik-fil-A. Well, the both of them are wrong. Describe that as the Mandela effect. The company’s name had always been Chick–fil-A
26. Explosion of Space Shuttle Challenger Mandela effect
The Space Shuttle Challenger which was the second orbiter of NASA’s space shuttle program exploded on the 28th of January in the year 1986, which resulted in the death of all seven crew members on board the shuttle. Nonetheless, it’s clear that many people recall it exploding earlier. Most of them are very much convinced that the explosion truly occurred in the year 1984.
27. Krispy Kreme Mandela effect
This false memory concept is very surprising. Many people are claiming that it used to be spelt as “Crispy Creme” but there is no reference to that anywhere unto this day even though they swear it once was.
28. Dolly & Jaws (Moonraker) Mandela effect
If you’ve seen the 1979 James Bond movie Moonraker with Roger Moore (Bond) and Richard Kiel (Jaws), then, you are likely to remember the strange love affair between Jaws and Dolly. Did you remember dolly having braces in the movie? Like an apprentice of Jaws’ signature metal teeth. You will be surprised that if you watched this movie now, there is now trace of the character of Dolly ever having braces, despite many descriptions from years ago mentioning and describing her characters as having braces.
29. Sketchers / Skechers Mandela effect
Many of us will most likely be familiar with the shoe store known as “Sketchers” with a “t” in the name. if you look up this name on Google or if you go check any one close to you, you will realize that there is no trace of the letter “t” in the name and the store is called “Skechers“. This has got many people thinking!
30. Interview With The Vampire Mandela effect
Most you ask most people what the title of this movie – adapted from Anne Rice’s novel – they will tell you it’s “Interview With A Vampire”, but now you will find that it is, and apparently always has been, “Interview With The Vampire“. One person went off about this one saying that it doesn’t make sense that it would be “THE” as there are many vampires in the movie. What do you think?
31. Will Smith Mandela effect
Some people remember Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith as having divorced over 10 years ago, however, reports today say that they are still a happily married couple. This is just another example of The Mandela Effect.
32. That Portrait of King Henry VIII Eating A Turkey Leg Mandela effect
A lot of people distinctly remember seeing a formal portrait of King Henry VIII eating a turkey leg. It was a famous portrait! The only issue here is that it such portrait is inexistent. There is no such portrait of the King eating a turkey leg. But how then do many people have the same thought of this portrait?
33. C-3PO Was Never All Gold Mandela effect
The Force Awakens premiered in 2015. A lot of people were shocked to see C-3PO with a silver leg. But actor Anthony Daniels said the leg was always silver – people just didn’t realize it. This came as a huge surprise to longtime Star Wars fans that seemed to remember the robot with two gold legs.
34. Chevron logo Mandela effect
This is another example of Mandela effect that has got many people talking. Many have argued that the red and blue color in the logo have swapped places.
35. Froot loop Mandela effect
This is a case of Mandela effect someone reported. Okay this is really hard for me to explain. So a couple of months ago I came across a post that FROOT Loops were FRUIT Loops. I was completely shocked as I had always thought it was Froot. I looked it up on Google it all over and everything said FRUIT instead. A couple of friends and I had talked about it so I know it was not something I had just came up with. Like I literally showed all of my friends when it happened and most of us were stunned, except some of them were like, “No, it’s always been Fruit.” Recently one of my friends sent me that it’s now FROOT again. It’s Froot. It switched back. I am just at a loss for words. Has anyone else noticed this? I can’t even find the old forums or anything of anyone pointing out that it was once Fruit. This is just weird. I mean yeah, I’m happy it’s back to where I thought it was originally but it also just proves to me that I jumped dimensions or something weird happened.
36. Tank man Mandela effect
A lot of people claim that they were very sure that tank man in Tiananmen Square was run over by a tank. The actual fact is that he was not. This is just the Mandela effect at work
37. VOLVO mandela effect
This one is especially bizarre example of the Mandela effect and below is a very good comment that explains it,
“I’ve always been the car guy. I do all my own maintenance. I’ve rebuilt motors. I’m doing a motor swap. I’ve never owned a vehicle that wasn’t quickly modified for performance. My daily driver does 12s in the quarter mile. I’m been an active member on probably 20 different car forums. I know cars.
I’ve always been a fan of German cars, including Volvos, and I’ve helped my buddies mod them. I lowered my friend’s s40 in my back driveway. I’ve always given the German car people a little shit for “bad wiring”, but then dropped that German car makers have the best emblem designs. Specifically, that they all have perfect circular badges that look awesome.
And now, I find out that Volvos symbol is not a perfect circle with a bar inside – but a freaking male gender symbol. And despite many questions out there on the internet asking why they changed it – it’s actually been that way for 85 years. +1 ME for me.
Somehow, I’ve missed that fact for the past 30+ years and I could have been giving my volvo friends some good natured ribbing that whole time.”
And somehow Volvo was never a German car. It was always Swedish. This is the sort of thing car buffs would remember.
“My german-car buddy is fucking speechless today! We had a conversation just last week about how his Volvos “german rack-and-pinion” steering was the best steering setup he’s ever had, and how even his C7 doesn’t compare…”
Good Lord, if this had always been the Volvo symbol wouldn’t there have been a million jokes about it? I would definitely remember seeing this symbol.
38. Rudolph the red nosed reindeer Mandela effect
I remember the Bumble in the stop motion Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer TV special having a toothache, which turned out to be the reason he was so grumpy, and he cheered up after Hermey the elf who wants to be a dentist pulls the bad tooth. There are lots of people who swear that this was how it was acted. But it turned out that watching the movie recently; they just pull all his teeth so he can’t bite anyone, no toothache at all. Where then did the idea of pulling the bad tooth come from?
39. Shazaam Mandela Effect
Comedian Sinbad is probably best known for his tenure on A Different World, but hundreds of people remember him as the star of 90s kid comedy Shazaam, where he played a wisecracking friendly genie.
The only problem is that, Shazaam never existed. Those memories are just one of the many cases of the Mandela effect.
40. JFK assassination car changed Mandela effect
This came as a surprise to me, seeing a recent photo of the JFK assignation and realizing that the number of people in the car has changed from the four I used to remember it to be to six. How on earth did that happen? I am not alone in this as many other peoples strongly believe that there were just four persons in the car. In this realty, there are six people. I am yet to comprehend the fact that it was six people in the car. The car was only a 4-seater, but now in every photo and video, it’s a 6-seater.